School Year Sign-Up

School Year Sign Up

The Brookings Backpack Project (BBP) works with school staff to provide a free supply of meals and snacks to students who may need an additional food resource over weekends during the school year. The food is given to the children before they leave school each Friday (or, in case of holiday, the last day before the break).

Any child enrolled in the Brookings Public Schools, Sioux Valley School, Elkton School or Brookings Head Start may participate in BBP. There is no eligibility requirement.

If you believe that your child would benefit from this assistance, please register her/him right away. While you may register anytime during the school year, the sooner you do so, the sooner your child may begin to receive food.

To register, simply complete the consent form below and return it when you pick up your bags next week, or send it to PO Box 8054 Brookings, SD 57006 or turn in the child’s teacher.

Please consider letting this terrific program help your family. Questions? Contact your child’s school counselor, or explore this site further!

(Note: This program is not associated with the free/reduced-cost lunch program operated through the Brookings Public Schools.)

Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Name

Ages of Children (add an age field for each child)

Child's Name
Child's Name
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